Where your experience becomes your business.

By: bhobart
March 2, 2012
Entrepreneurs get something started, they keep trying to move it forward, they realize that it’s not working so they retrench and start again. However, it's that feedback mechanism of continually building on that, and as a leader you know it's really important to get your mind around those three key areas of vision, alignment and execution. As I discussed in detail in my last post, “Are Leaders Made or Are They Born,” here is where emotional intelligence, or...
By: bhobart
February 28, 2012
On our radio show, we started a really good discussion about leadership at all levels: leading people, leading projects, etc. Afterwards, we received a great deal of buzz from our listeners. People sent in numerous responses, and the most popular question was, “Are leaders born or are they made?” I have found through research and also through my own experiences that it's actually a little bit of both.  Leaders are both made and born. I think you have to be presented with...
By: bhobart
February 24, 2012
As consultants, one of the opportunities that we have is that we get in and out of so many different organizations in various sectors of the economy, various regions of the country and in countries all around the world. We get to see what might work in company A and be able to adapt and apply to companies C or D. We see some of those differences, but we also listen very closely for trends. What are we hearing?  Something that we are hearing over and over again is, “If unemployment is...
By: bhobart
February 21, 2012
Each week on our radio show, The American Entrepreneur, we talk a great deal about leadership. Recently, I got into a discussion on this subject with a leader and his team from one of the organizations we work with. They were talking about leadership, what does it mean and what does it particularly mean to their organization. Then the conversation eventually evolved into, “Is leadership just about leading people?” Leadership is definitely more than just about leading people....
By: bhobart
April 1, 2011
Sales are scary because selling often makes people uncomfortable. As human beings, we innately shy away from things that make us uncomfortable. Aid for this discomfort can be found in becoming more familiar and developing a better understanding of sales as both a function and a process. Pop Culture doesn’t exactly portray sales people as noble professionals. Have you seen the movie Matilda? Danny DeVito’s character played Matilda’s father, whose profession was a used car...

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