Where your experience becomes your business.

By: bhobart
October 25, 2012
What do business owners and entrepreneurs need to think about when it comes to potential shifts in the markets and long term planning? How do you take advantage of some of the shifts that have occurred recently in the marketplace? My good friend Hollis Haff, a Reverend at the New Community Church, once told me that, “Only a fool would fail to plan for the inevitable.” If something is inevitable, then why in the world wouldn’t you take the time to think it through and...
By: bhobart
September 28, 2012
A while back, I had lunch with a good friend of mine named Hollis Haff who is the Pastor Emeritus at New Community Church in Wexford, Pennsylvania. Hollis is also an old Athletes in Action guy, and he was the minister to the Pittsburgh Steelers back in the 70’s. As a matter of fact, he delivered the eulogy when Hall of Fame quarterback Mike Webster passed away back in 2002. He is really a great guy, an avid learner and very much a student of leadership. In fact, he often says that the...
By: bhobart
September 20, 2012
When I was growing up, my mom absolutely loved the movie Monty Python and the Holy Grail. There is this great scene where a group of workers are walking through a medieval town and yelling, “Bring out your dead!  Bring out your dead!”  As a worker is throwing a guy onto the cart the he says, “But I’m not dead yet!” and the worker says something like, “Shut up!  You will be soon.”  I was reminded of this scene as I was thinking...
By: bhobart
September 13, 2012
We all have bad habits that can emerge at meetings: shredding paper coffee cups, pencil tapping and nodding off. Our restless fidgeting usually starts when we’re bored, uncertain of why we’re present at the meeting, and unsure of our role. However, it’s easy to ward off these distracting behaviors by following a few simple guidelines. Define the meeting’s purpose. As you plan your meeting, give special effort to articulating what the group will accomplish during its...
By: bhobart
August 30, 2012
Lately I’ve been talking a lot about the concept of solopreneurship, and I’m all over it for a number of reasons. One of the biggest reasons is because I really, truly, in my heart of hearts believe our economy will continue to sputter until we find a way to get all of this knowledge capital back in the marketplace. I’ve talked before about how the hiring model has changed. Businesses really do not want to hire people at “full freight” any more, but they are...

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