Where your experience becomes your business.

By: bhobart
August 23, 2012
  I recently read a book by a guy named Rory Vaden. I was just fascinated by this book! Its message is simple and summed up completely by the elegant title, ‘Take the Stairs.’ If you think about it, the title is exactly what the book is about. Don’t take the elevator; take the stairs. Do the short-term, hard thing first. The main premise of the book is that if you do the short-term, uncomfortable thing – meaning, just step out of your comfort...
By: bhobart
August 16, 2012
In my last post, Part One: Are the Happiest Employees REALLY the Most Productive Ones?, I explained the truths of employee satisfaction surveys and pointed out three elements that help create a motivational environment: autonomy, mastery and purpose. Let’s dig a little deeper. First, a little Organizational Development 101:  The only reason organizations exist is because (generally speaking) we can do more collectively than we can individually. For example, manufacturing...
By: bhobart
August 10, 2012
Let’s start off with a quiz. True or false: Happy employees are productive employees? Of course, it really doesn’t matter how you answer that question because your answer determines your approach to managing people. Here are a couple more questions for you: Can you be happy and unproductive? I think that if I spent the entire day at my cubicle playing Counter Strike and no one said anything to me, then I’d be pretty happy, but not very...
By: bhobart
August 2, 2012
I’d like to make a point to both employers and prospective employees: It is time for all of us to evolve. I focus a lot on the mid-career professional; however, both sides of this equation need to adjust their models. I would really like to stress this point because I want people to understand that there is a new normal in talent acquisition. If you are an employee, then you need to adjust your strategy and do things differently. Ask yourself a few questions: ·  ...
By: bhobart
July 24, 2012
Here's a little piece of trivia for you: Do you know the name of Warren Buffet’s private jet? He has cleverly named this amazing piece of machinery “The Indefensible.”  His point being that not even he can defend the expense of having a private jet.  That’s why people like Warren Buffet started investing in fractional ownership of aircrafts. This allows them to purchase (or lease) a fraction of an aircraft and have guaranteed access for...

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