Where your experience becomes your business.

Four Career Change Ideas for People 40 and Over

I've been writing quite a bit lately about mid career professionals changing careers. If you find yourself at the midpoint of your life or your career, you probably have some reservations about changing careers, even if you dread going to work every day.

Four Career Change Ideas for People 40 and OverThankfully, changing careers later in life can be one of the smartest and most lucrative moves you can make. A couple of my recent blog posts have discussed the advantages of changing careers at midlife, but now I'd like to go into some specific career change ideas for those who are 40 or over. If you find yourself in this demographic and you're eager for a change, read on to learn some terrific tips on how you can get your life and your career headed in a different, better direction.

Think About Working for Yourself

Even though I've written about this concept at length, it bears repeating: the corporate world is no longer a safe place for you and your career. If you desire the freedom to make your own decisions based on your experience and knowledge, you're unlikely to ever become satisfied in the corporate world. Instead of sending out resumés and applications in the hopes of trading job “A” for job “B,” I suggest you consider the limitless possibilities that come with being your own boss. Sure, there are some different challenges involved, but you're at a point in your career where you're more than ready and capable of handling any associated adversity.

Prime Your Mind

If you're unable to truly envision yourself being successful in a new career, it won't happen. Think about all of the things that you've earned in your life. You were able to attain them through hard work and determination, but you wouldn't have been able to take the first step if you weren't able to envision the desired end result. Take some time to imagine what a successful career will look like, and you will prime your brain for the opportunities that are sure to arise. To some of you, this exercise might sound pointless. However, you should keep in mind that this is based on the scientific principle of the Reticular Activation System, so it has real, proven value.

Take Inventory of Your Attributes

If you pay too much attention to signals from the media and your notions of what others think about you, you might think that you have very little to offer in the modern business world. This couldn't be further from the truth. In fact, you possess a couple of attributes that are coveted by almost every business – knowledge and experience. The knowledge and experience that you've accumulated over your life and career have real value, and you need to feel confident about advertising these attributes if you want to find success. Take some time to inventory your skills, accomplishments and knowledge base. You'll find that you have a lot to offer.

Find the Right Fit With an Independent Consulting Career

If you are ready to work for yourself, you're confident about the attributes that you have to offer and your mind is primed for a successful change, a consulting career is the best outlet for your talents, skills and professional desires. A consulting career can really be whatever you want and need it to be. If corporations are not attractive, or if they seem unwilling to hire you in a full-time capacity, you can turn your situation around by offering your services as a consultant. This way, you can take on as many clients as you can handle, and you can achieve sole control over the direction of your life and career. Moreover, a consulting career will allow you to exercise the skills and attributes that you have developed throughout your life. If this sounds appealing to you, Ex3 Matters can help you in a number of ways.

Most popular career change ideas tell you to work on your resumé or they give you advice about what to wear to job interviews. I suggest that you try to transcend this type of thinking. At this point in your life, the runway may be short, but you have a lot to offer. A career change is a great way to achieve personal goals and provide value to the world at large, but you should think beyond the corporate realm. You really have limitless possibilities, and you possess skills that are in high demand. Use these career change ideas to craft a plan that will ensure that your next career will be the most satisfying of your life.


Are you looking for more ideas and advice to help you navigate a career change? Check out the free consulting guides available here on Ex3matters.com. You can also learn more about how to leverage your skills and talents by reading Buddy Hobart's free eBook, “Experience Matters.”